Over 20 years of software engineering excellence

Large and smaller companies, long and short projects, greenfield development and legacy code maintenance, hands-on coding and high-level architecture.

Understanding business

Finance, public sector, logistics and more.

Besides the domain experience such as knowing the terminology, DASTALVI can demonstrate an understanding of economics as the essence of how and why money is made or saved.

Quality and efficiency

Companies, their organisational structures and processes differ significantly. But the principles that make both the business and the technical staff happy are quite simple and universal, they just have to be taken seriously.

The success comes from open communication and constructive collaboration. It doesn't matter how well you do your work if you can't make sure if you're doing the right thing.

While the modern languages and development tools let us manage higher levels of software complexity, it is still inevitable to make software design decisions that are hard to revert in the future and work on the invisible details that "glue" everything together. Testing should be done on many levels and tests have to be designed carefully to be effective and maintainable to support further evolution of the software.

Integration and migration

While it is great to be able to innovate and use the latest technology, significant value is often hidden in software created over many years and this value should not be thrown away. It is common practice to integrate older components with newer ones and get the best of both worlds.

Integration activities including API design are essential in microservice architecture (formerly known as service-oriented architecture or SOA).

When the time is ripe to do so, instead of just integrating, it may make sense to migrate the existing software and data to a more modern technology stack while preserving valuable business logic.

DASTALVI offers a wealth of experience in both integration and migration projects, being able to provide a clear idea of what to look out for in such projects and how to plan individual activities to ensure that the timetable is achievable and various risks are eliminated.

Java ecosystem expert

Experience with Java from version 1 up to the latest one. Deep knowledge of Java frameworks such as Java EE or Spring Boot and JVM languages, especially Kotlin.

Java is not the only platform for professional software development, but it is so universal with so many libraries and resources available that you can use it to build almost anything efficiently.